Soft Water Benefits
Hard water is a common problem for many homeowners and businesses. When hardness minerals are combined with heat it forms troublesome scale. Scale causes costly build-up in your plumbing, water heater and other water using appliances. When combined with soap, the minerals form soap scum that makes skin dry and itchy, hair lifeless, laundry dull and builds up on fixtures.
There are a number of reasons to remove hardness from your water, including protecting your health and saving you money.
Save Money
You can save as much as $479 annually when you remove hardness from your water supply.
Use 75% less soap
Protect your plumbing, so less need for a plumber
Lower water heating costs by 29%
Water using appliances last longer
Water heater lasts longer and heats better
Protect Your Health
Hardness in your water will damage your skin and hair, and can create a mineral imbalance in your drinking water, leading to kidney stones.
Silky, shiny hair
Soft, supple skin
Soft water is better for your kidneys
Can help relieve itchy scalp and dry itchy skin
Brighter And Softer Clothes
Hardness in your water will leave mineral deposits on your clothes. Over time, the colors will fade and whites become dingy. The clothes will also feel stiff and uncomfortable.
Softer, more vibrant clothes
Clothes last longer
Use much less detergent
Extend washing machine's life
Spotless Dishes
Hardness in your water will leave mineral deposits on your dishes. These minerals look like little spots, giving the dishes an unclean, cloudy look.
Crystal clear dishes after washing
No more spots on clean dishes
Use less dishwashing detergent
Extend dishwashing machine's life